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Cut scene fading cameras

Just starting to work with Cut Scenes.

Im having trouble with a Telescope!

So, you find a Telescope on the top of a hill (with notebook and lunch box)
You click on it.
We CROSSFADE to TelescopeEyeCam. This is a Super close up of the eyepiece of the telescope, (a circle that almost fills the screen.)

Then we CROSSFADE to TelescopeViewCam which has an inimaiton on it and, even as we fade to it is whizzing thru hills and valleys till it comes to rest on the _RESEARCH CENTER

We pause there, for 3 seconds just long enough to see the helecopter take off and are back at the telescope.

Thatt what I want to happen, Unfortunately a few things are not working.

Firstly My first action in the cuts scene is an Object Visibility, because the whole area _RESEARCH CENTER is currently disabled. I normally enable it by the player walking into the area, hitting a HUGE collider and PlayMaker enabling the whole area.
Is this not what Object visibility is for?

(OK but lets just turn on the area manually to test the next bit)

The main trouble is that I just cannot find the right settings to SIMPLY FADE FROM ONE CAMERA TO THE NEXT!

It will play the fade from the playerCam to the Telescope Eyepiece cam, but then just skips to the pause game action...
OR if I set the Wait till finish on AND set the Transition to 4 seconds on the TelescopeViewCam (the animated came) then I can see it goes to the action in the Action List Editor (turns blue) but I dont see that cam.. Im still on the eyepiece cam



  • OK Ive learned a bit about fading cameras together, I was gettiong confused about when to use transitions and when to use a "pause game" action.

    Seems like its better to use pause game, but NOT HAVE Wait till finished set. The transition is ONLY for the fade time, so now I CAN get one camera to fade into the other, needs some tweaks... but the Object: Visibility Action just doesnt seem to work for me.
    Is thre anything else I need to do? Like the Highlight needs a script?
    All IM trying to do is "enable" a Game object that is the parent to a whole huge area.
    Its turned off by default, as all the areas of my game are, I turn them on and off as the player wanders about.
  • correction in first post:
    hen we CROSSFADE to TelescopeViewCam which has an ANIMATION on it and, even as we fade to it is whizzing thru hills and valleys till it comes to rest on the _RESEARCH CENTER.

  • I believe the problem lies in the fact that your two "Object: Visibility" Actions both refer to a Constant ID number in them.  If your Actions lie in a scene-based file (not an ActionList asset), then it suggests _RESEARCH CENTER is somehow disabled in your hierarchy.  Is this the case?  If you want it hidden when working, disable the MeshRenderer component, not the GameObject itself.
  • What you need to know is that _RESEARCH CENTER is not a model. Its a whole area of my game.
    For optomisation purposes I turn off (yes disable) in my hierarchy.

    But I see what you are saying, Object: Visibility is only for making object appear or disappear, and then the Constant ID is for remembering the current state?

    What shall I use then, This area is disabled by default, but when you approach it on foot, you pass thru a HUGE sphere collider that (via PlayMaker) re-enables it. I guess I need to do the same here... 

    Ill give that a go... but is there a AC way of enabling and disabling stuff... id prefert o use that than a botch job.
  • Makes sense.  You can still use the Object:Visibility Action on the base object, even if it has no model itself - just check Affect children? so that it updates the child renderers.

    For remembering the current state, attach the Remember Visibility component, not Constant ID. Again, you'll have to tell it that you want to save the state of it's children, too.
  • edited April 2015
    I think you are misunderstanding me.
    Lets take another example, its the same basic deal.

    I have a cutscene I want to implement, where a bus should appear at a certain moment, and drive past the player. Obviously I dont want that bus hanging around in my scene forever (cos there might be a hundred "busses" or NPCs or horses.. or crows) So when I trigger my cutscene (See other thread about OnScene Start) by sceneStart OR walking into a trigger. I wanna instanciate my bus, (just round the corner) play an animation (it drives past) and when out of view, remove it.

    How? I tried the PlayMaker way, having it in scene, but disabled, and simply using Object Visibility (as per previous problem) and YES I auto get that Constant ID makarky... Dont need it, not gonna save it, just running it, and destroying it.

    Im going to use this functionality alot in my game as its an exploring and discovering game, so when you achive something I need to "Play something" to let you know "you did it".

    Whats the best way... to do the above? I can figure out any other uses/needs I have.

  • You can use the Object: Add or remove Action to load prefabs into the scene at runtime.  You can use the same Action to destroy them once you're done with them.  If you need them to be stored in save files (e.g. if one such model should be present during regular gameplay), then store the prefab in an asset folder called Resources.
  • Yeah I tried that, and it didnt work for me... :(
    However THAT prefab was NOT in a resources folder, no I DONT need to save. its a one time thing.

    And incidentely, if i get this to work, one thing I also couldnt see was WHERE does that object appear? is it 0,0,0 and then I need an action to move it to where I want it? 
  • The object will retain the transform that's in the referenced prefab (unless you set it to appear relative to the camera or the player).

    You can then use an Object: Teleport Action after it to move it to where you want - the field will accept a prefab that is not in the scene at the time.
  • Incidentally, there seems to be a new issue with UFPS rotation in v1.44.  If you've upgraded to that, importing this package should solve them until the next proper release is out.
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