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Unable to add MonoBehaviours to "Use Parameter"s in ActionList

Hi there,

I wanted to combine the action to speak a line with a speakers camera-switch, because both speakers have one for themselfs and the actionlist grows fast...

So I made an actionlist for this both actions but than I see I have to insert the IDs of camera and speaker. And the other ugly Thing for me: the String was not multiline.

So I made some changes:

  • - Enums.cs
I add _Camera and Char:

public enum ParameterType { GameObject, InventoryItem, GlobalVariable, LocalVariable, String, Float, Integer, Boolean, _Camera, Char };
  • ActionRunActionList.cs
around line 518 I add some stuff:

else if (externalParameters[i].parameterType == ParameterType.Char) {
localParameters[i].behaviour = (Char) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Param Char:", localParameters[i].behaviour, typeof (Char), true);
else if (externalParameters[i].parameterType == ParameterType._Camera) {
localParameters[i].behaviour = (_Camera) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Param Camera:", localParameters[i].behaviour, typeof (_Camera), true);


    • ActionParameter
    There I add a new member and override the setMethod:

    public MonoBehaviour behaviour;

    public void SetValue (MonoBehaviour _behaviour)
    Debug.Log("Set Parameter Monobehaviour");
    behaviour = _behaviour;
    gameObject = null;
    floatValue = 0f;
    stringValue = "";
    intValue = -1;
    • ActionCamera.cs
    • ActionSpeach.cs
    There I needed to change from GameObject to the specific Behaviours:

    parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Speaker:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.Char);

    parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("New camera:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType._Camera); 

  • edited March 2015
    That seems to work, I used the ActionEditor and all was fine.

    But always I start the Game, the inserted Monobehaviours just disapeared and went NULL.
    I think I missed something - is there a solution?

    ->>> Or maybe an easy way to extends the action "ActionSpeech" with an optional SpeakerCam? (That's what I had in mind at first...)

    Best Regards
  • I can't bugfix your code if you've gone and modified AC, but what exactly are you trying to do?  The workflow you described before the changes sounds correct - though you can just drag the objects into the parameter fields, no need to enter in ID numbers.
  • Yeah, modify the Code is no good idea.

    I create a "sub"-Actionlist with 3 Parameter:
    - Camera (gameObject)
    - Speaker (gameObject)
    - TextLine (String)

    When I use this "sub"-Actionlist in the "Main"-Actionlist I have to put Camera and NPC by the ID.

    But I think I will work with IDs for the prototype. 
    AC is the only addon I have so far, maybe my Cutscenes are to big with about 100 Steps (devided into 5 Actionlists)...
  • I started out new because something is messing my whole project a litte...

    So here - maybe this is an idea for an extention of the Cutscenes.
    It's just a start, but may be usefull...

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