My project is currently a third person point and click game with a stationary camera (most of the time). I'm trying to come up with a method to allow the player to click a "look" button and have the camera move to the player's first person view but not allow the player to move.
I've tried using a first person camera inside the player prefab's head and using the Engine: Manage Systems action to change the movement method to first person before switching cameras, but the camera does not move with the cursor unless the player presses "alt" (which is the toggle cursor button).
I'm trying to make this project as user friendly as possible, and playable completely with just the mouse, so I want to figure out a way to "toggle" the cursor in an action list, but so far I'm not finding anything. I suppose an Input: Simulate Input action would work well here. Is that doable?
Also if I'm going about this the wrong way and there's another way to change from a stationary third person camera view to a first person free-look view I'd love to hear it. I've played around with the "follow cursor" settings on the normal gamecamera script but that doesn't give me full 360 degree rotation.
If you wanted to make use of your own camera script, then just attach the _Camera component to it and AC will be able to use it in Actions. Then, attach the ConstantID component, and check Retain in prefab. That way, you can refer to it in an ActionList asset by this number, so that it will be available no matter what scene you're in.
You also don't need to have any of the "isRunning" code in Run, since that's only for Actions that run over time. Just "return 0f" after calling SimulateInput.