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No menu or inventory in game

I am using unity v4.6 and AC 1.4.0 and downloaded the tutorial. I have also followed your tuts on youtube but unfortunately, I still cannot get a menu or inv to appear. Can you suggest the best way to troubleshoot this or should I post grabs of my menu manager?



  • The best thing to do would be to rely on the Demo game's Menu Manager, until you're ready to customise.  Did you use the New Game Wizard?  That will give you the option to rely on the demo's menus.

    In any case, open the Menu Manger tab and change your Asset file field to Demo_MenuManager.  You'll then be able to make use of the default menus, which are enough to get started with.  Just be sure to use a separate asset file when you want to customise it (you can duplicate the original if you want), so that changes don't get overwritten when you update AC.
  • Thanks Chris. That got me going. I do have another question, but I shall post that in a new thread. Many thanks.
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