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speech bubbles

I want to make some speech bubbles like a comic.
I try a lot of convination but nothing thing to work like i want. Stretch or not like i think.
I need narrator bubbles like a square and traditional bubbles for the characters.
Any idea? Example?


  • Sounds like exactly the kind of thing the new Unity UI will be good for.
  • i will have to update the unity
  • Well i´m here in this treat again...

    I manage to make the comic look to my game but i have some problems.
    Narration text:
    I want 2 o 3 narration text at the same time but with different text... (I know i can do that with simple with a predefined ui element and text.) But the idea is when the speech is to long separate in 2 o 3 narration boxs. The same i want to player text or npc text. Yes a simple giant bubble it´s easy to make but the idea is to separate in 2 o 3 small bubbles like the example above.
    Any help?
  • If a Menu's Appear type is set to When Speech Plays, then you'll have a new option named Duplicate for multiple lines?.  Enabling this means that each speech line will have it's own copy of that Menu appear - so you'll have multiple menus at once if you also have multiple speech lines.

    Obviously, each speech menu needs to be in a difference place to be able to see it, so you'll probably want to change the speech in question to character, not narration, so that it can be positioned appropriately on-screen.
  • i´m not still getting the idea i put that stuff but again i have the same text in the 2 menus on screen in different places. What i want is different text at the same time in the 2 menus like the talk in the bubble in the example.

  • could you have an empty object on a child called character2, and make that play players line of dialogue, but more its appear position? 

    if that makes sense....
  • So long as you checked that box, each menu should be displaying it's own speech text.  If it's not working for you, post screenshots of what Actions are involved.

    Temporarily switch back to the Demo2D_MenuManager asset, and check the same box in the Subtitles menu - that way, we'll both be working from the same reference point.
  • do you mean 2 menu or 2 dialogue line?
  • 1 dialogue line for each menu.  If two speech lines play at the same time, and you've got your Subtitles Menu set up to be duplicated for multiple lines, then that same single Menu will be duplicated for each speech.

    Additional speech menu options will be included in v1.51, allowing you to limit speech menus to specific characters.
  • Hello, I take this post to not open a new one, as argument is more or less the same.
    I'm new in Unity and AC so unfortunately I will make quite obvious questions.
    I would like to make bubbles for my dialogues but for now less complicated than those visible in the figure.
    I would be happy to get the bubbles without tips but of course using rounded rectangles texture they appear deformed.
    Chris suggests that the new Unity UI appears capable of this but I do not know yet how to integrate it
    I currently use the 5.3.0f4 Personal version and AC 1.51d.
    Could you give me some information to try to get this simple comics?
    Chris: I tried several engines to create adventures and this argument has always been much discussed in the forum since it is always necessary to resort to work around and a lot of script work.
    If its integration in AC does not involve so much work for you, have you never thought about putting the bubbles natively?
  • AC provides enough options for you to customise your Menu - the thing about bubbles is that they're so varied that there'd never be a "one size fits all" approach.  Using Unity UI is still the best approach for this - AC's built-in menu system is really more for rapid-prototyping at this point.

    You can read a tutorial about linking Unity UI with AC here.  You can also see me cover this at this point in the 2.5D tutorial.  New features regarding speech display are also covered here.
  • valter , I'm also trying to make a similar UI. Can you please tell me how did you manage to place the speech  text in the bubbles? 
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