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Footsteps SFX and Multiple Portraits

Hey Chris,

Couple of quick questions :

1. I know I've asked this before but how did you suggest having footstep SFX per ground material?
2. Is it possible to have both the player and NPC's portraits active at the same time? As well as changing the portraits to match the current emotion of the dialog?

Thanks as always!


  • 1) Use a Trigger to call the Character: Animate Action.  Changing the method to Set Standard will let you change the footstep SFX.

    2) The Character: Switch portrait Action will let you change a Character's graphic mid-game.  Only one character can be the "active" speaker at a time, to you can't display two portraits at a time using just one Subtitles menu. However, you could create a separate Menu that has a specific portrait texture (and styled to emulate the regular Subtitles menu), and hide/show this as appropriate using the Menu: Change state Action.
  • This gave me an idea- building on the concept of switching portraits, do you think it would be possible to add a feature in which the portraits cycle through maybe 10-15 standard graphics in order to simulate the character speaking? 

    Meaning, create 10 or so sprites in which the character goes through various frames of talking, and cycle through them in a way similar to using the character: switch portrait action, but have this happen by default when they are talking? In order to get a talking portrait like in the old Sierra games. Would this be that hard of a feature to implement? 
  • Awesome thanks! That's what I assumed I would do for displaying portraits simultaneously. 

    Also - players are very confused by opening the inventory to either to the use on a hotspot, item combination, or item examine. I would love to help come up with a way to make this mechanic clearer for the user. Currently I have the highlight texture displaying the two possible button presses. As well as a UI asset that encapsulates the current equipped item. 

    It would be cool if once you select an item in your inventory and scroll to another item if an arrow or some type of visual object connecting the two items together - intuitively displaying a connection.

  • I'm not seeing the "Character : Switch Portrait" Action.
  • Click the Refresh button in your Actions Manager.  Though really, if you don't rely on custom Actions you can just make use of the Demo_ActionsManager asset, which is always up-to-date with the latest Actions.
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