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[SOLVED] [BUG][2D] Character face object on 2d topdown

Sometimes due to perspective of the 2d scenes, the navigation path tend to be off the camera ( like, if the scene is created to look like we are looking to the character through on top of a table, so we see only characters upper half while the rest of the body is off the camera, on the navigation path.).

In such scenes, whenever i place "face to the object" on any hotspot , the character spesificly turns his back on the object. I didnt realize this up till now but finaly it makes sense. Due to 2d topdown view, the hotspots are not regarded as being in front or back but rather being above or below the character. And when on such particular scene, we got some glass on the table that we want character to face to, the character is actually not turning back but rather looking up to the object from where he is standing.

Does anybody else has this problem?


  • When in Top Down mode, all objects should generally have the same Y position.  Is this the case?  A screenshot would definitely help understand your problem.

    In any case you could get around this by unchecking the "face hotspot" checkbox, and using the Character: Face Action to look towards a separate Marker as the Interaction's first Action, instead.
  • Hey Chris

    I place everything in y:1 so they are above the bg. Ill try this tip to check if im missing something.  Also great tip . Ill try that too.
  • Hey Chris. I gave a try on making marker idea. Now Character faces marker just fine. How ever they do not immidietly face the marker, instead they go to different isometric sprites before facing the marker (as in turning).

    This is not a problem on its own. How ever on some occations if character has to turn from right 3/4 view to left 3/4, instead of turning to his front and to his left (meaning clockwise), the character turns  counter clockwise (as in , the longer version).



  • Thanks for the careful explanation - so this is more of a presentation effect rather than a bug, as such?  I should be able to do something about it.
  • Well you may categorize it as such i suppose. So should i wait for the next update or wait an answer on the topic?
  • I've looked some more, and actually this issue is solvable without need for an update.  Basically, Characters will always rotate the "easiest" way (so will turn 175 degrees instead of 185 degrees to get to the same spot, for example).  In the example you posted, the Character has to turn 180 degrees, so there is no easiest choice.  By simply moving the PlayerStart downward a little, you can turn this into 179 degrees, and he'll turn clockwise.

    Going further: rather than use Move to point and Face object Actions for this, you can simple assign the Turalet_marker has your Hotspot's Walk to marker field.  In the Hotspot Inspector, change the Player action to Walk to marker, and then check Face after moving.  This will remove the need for any Action in your Interaction list other than the Engine: Change scene.
  • "By simply moving the PlayerStart downward a little, you can turn this into 179 degrees, and he'll turn clockwise."

    This worked thanks for the great tip

    "rather than use Move to point and Face object Actions for this, you can simple assign the Turalet_marker has your Hotspot's Walk to marker field.  In the Hotspot Inspector, change the Player action to Walk to marker, and then check Face after moving.  This will remove the need for any Action in your Interaction list other than the Engine: Change scene."

    This is also a good and obvious advice however in the past i've encountered some errors where upon updating the script, all the adjustments done to Hotspots got wiped so i have to re assign them over and over again. By keeping things in Interraction, i can minimise the (if any) damage to minimum.

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