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[SOLVED] How To Play Single Mecanim Animation during Cutscene?

edited March 2014 in Technical Q&A
When my character opens the door in the scene I want an animation to play of him leaning outwards with his arm, as if to open the door. I've already got this animation and it's been placed in the animation controller with the name DoorOpen.

My problem is how do I actually call this animation to play with the Character: Animate function?

EDIT: I've now learnt how to call the animation but how do we have it wait until the animation is over before moving to the next cutscene section?


  • If you're using Mecanim, you'll have to use the Engine: Pause game action immediately afterwards.

    It's a limitation of the Mecanim system - if you're using Legacy, the Character: Animate action lets you pause the ActionList until it's finished.
  • Worked a treat, cheers Chris.
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