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Version 1.30 - Skippable cutscenes, containers, PM variables, and animated cameras

edited April 2014 in Official news
This one being a round number, I thought it ought to be a big one.  Key features:

Skippable Cutscenes
This was a planned feature ever since the initial release, but wasn't possible until the ActionListManager script was introduced.  All scene-based ActionLists can now be marked as "skippable" (on by default), allowing them to be skipped when the "EndCutscene" input button is pressed.  A couple of points about upgrading:
  1. Though this will work straightaway for the majority of Actions, animations that aren't Legacy may continue to play even if the ActionList is skipped.  Animations must be played, in case a Mecanim FSM causes the animation to trigger something else, for example, so it's important to return such animations to their "Idle" state at the end of the ActionList, even if this state occurs naturally when the ActionList runs normally.  You can see an example of this in the 2D Demo's Park scene, at the end of the "Intro2" Cutscene.
  2. Custom Actions will need to be updated if they aren't instantaneous (as in, they occur over more than one frame).  An override-able Skip function is called when an Action is skipped - by default this will simply run the Run function, but for non-instantaneous Actions they will need to perform the final result of the Action in one call.
A new "Logic" prefab available in the Scene Manager, Containers are scene-based collections of Inventory items, and a handful of new Actions let you manipulate them as you would Inventory.  Although they aren't common in "traditional" adventures, they are useful when making a more RPG-type game, where you want to loot cupboards/chests etc, or even store items in a place for safe keeping.  The InventoryBox menu element has been upgraded to work with them too, and both the 3D Demo and 2D Demo Menu Managers have a new Container Menu to demonstrate their use.

Engine: Manage systems Action
This Action gives you fine control over which of AC's systems are currently active.  You can disable things like the cursor, menus, input, point-and-clicking etc all separately.  The intention is to make it easier to integrate AC with other game types.  This'll need some "real world" cases to really fine-tune, but I hope it's a good start.

Animated GameCamera
This new camera type has two uses: either plays an animation when switched to (for nice movement in Cutscenes), or plays a fixed frame of an animation based on the Player's position on a Path.  This allows for "God of War"-style camera movement, whereby it follows a very controlled motion as the Player moves about a complex scene.  Just be sure to keep the Path to one side of the Player - it gets a bit confused if the Player crosses the Path, and check the manual for correct positioning when angles are involved.

Float variables and Forumlas
Float variables: no explanation needed.  But Forumlas are a new option when using the Variable: Set Action to change the value of either Integers or Floats.  You can type in a formula for it to process: e.g. "2 + 3".  You can also use the values of other Variables, by referencing their ID number (listed in the Variables Manager), e.g. "2 + 3 - [var:12]" to use the value of Variable 12.

PlayMaker Global variables
If you are using PlayMaker, you can link your AC Variables to PlayMaker's Global Variables.  It's a per-variable setting in the Variables Manager, and you can also choose whether AC or PM decides the "initial" value of the AC Variable.  Using this, you can use the Variable Set/Check Actions to affect PM Vars, and also store their values in save games (automatic).

And the full changelog:

Upgrade notes:
  • The ability to lock saving games has been moved from the Player: Constrain Action to Engine: Manage systems Action
  • Object: Animate actions - If you use any for BlendShapes on Mecanim objects, they will need to be rebuilt
  • Custom Actions that are not instantaneous must have a new function "Skip" that performs the final result of the Action
  • Skipping cutscenes: Non-Legacy animations are liable to continue playing once a Cutscene has ended - to combat this, end your Cutscene with an appropriate Idle or reset animation


  • edited April 2014
    • Added: ActionLists are now skippable with the "EndCutscene" input (see Upgrade notes above)
    • Added: Categorised Actions - designed to cope better with increasing number of available Action types
    • Added: "Engine: Manage systems" Action - use to disable individual systems, such as Movement and Interaction
    • Added: Container prefab - store Inventory items in the scene, to be retrieved by the Player
    • Added: Container: Add or remove, Container: Check and Container: Open Actions
    • Added: New Menu "appear type" and Inventory Box types for handling Containers
    • Added: "Container" Menu to both Demo Menu Managers
    • Added: "Slot spacing" field for Menu Elements with multiple slots, eg. Inventory lists
    • Added: GameCameraAnimated - Can play an animation, or sync frame based on a Target's position on a Path
    • Added: "Camera: Split screen" Action - use to display two cameras at once, horizontally or vertically
    • Added: Option to vary GameCamera's Field Of View with it's target's distance from camera
    • Added: When using New Game Wizard, Demo Cursor and Menu Managers are copied and renamed, rather than referenced
    • Added: "Character: Switch portrait" Action - courtesy of Guran!
    • Added: Ability to sync a Variable's value with that of a PlayMaker GlobalVariable (PlayMaker required)
    • Added: Float variables
    • Added: Option to type in a formula in Variable: Set Action - also supports tokens e.g. "[var:2]" to use the value of Variable 2
    • Added: Options in Third Person Camera to reset spin and rotation when switching back to it
    • Added: For Point-And-Click or Drag games, Player: Constrain Action consolidates all four movement locks into one
    • Added: Option for multiple Player characters to share the same Inventory
    • Added: GetVariable function to RuntimeVariables.cs, to more easily access a Variable through script
    • Added: Warning messages if a Remember script is attached to a GameObject without the component it expects
    • Added: Ability to force the playing of an animation with Animate actions on Mecanim objects and Characters
    • Added: Various usability improvements to Input text boxes, including "click to select", text cursor and case differentiation
    • Added: Ability to set "use" icon for Inventory Items if cursor is set to change when over them in Context Sensitive-mode
    • Added: Separate "unhandled" ActionList field for Inventory combine interactions
    • Added: Unified GUI between Menu, Inventory and Variables Managers
    • Added: Ability to select Menu Elements for editing by clicking on them in Preview mode
    • Added: "Default Camera" to Scene Manager - references Default PlayerStart's "Camera on start" field when set
    • Added: "Auto-create" buttons to Scene cutscene fields in Scene Manager
    • Added: Speech lines without a Character are considered Narration lines, and can have translations and audio
    • Added: Ability to limit Menus of "Appear Type: When Speech Plays" to Character lines or Narration lines
    • Added: "Maximum distance" field to "Character: NPC follow" Action - NPCs will run to target if distance between is too large
    • Moved: Ability to lock saving games from Player: Constrain Action to Engine: Manage systems Action
    • Fixed: Various issues related to inventory selection in Choose Interaction Then Hotspot mode
    • Fixed: Errors with timed Conversations that include Options that return to the Conversation
    • Fixed: GameCameras disabling themselves even when the MainCamera prefab is not present in the scene
    • Fixed: Sending Kill message to an ActionList not removing it from the ActionList Manager
    • Fixed: Menus with no Transition type set not appearing instantly in the correct position
    • Fixed: GameEngine's system-side ActionList being viewable with ActionList Editor window
    • Fixed: Autosaving being cancelled if a Cutscene was not the last blocking Cutscene to run
    • Fixed: CollisionCubes not blocking "Point and Click" RayCasts when placed on the Default layer
    • Fixed: "Change for inventory?" setting in Cursor Manager not affecting cursor when hovering over Inventory items
    • Fixed: Various issues for Input text boxes, including not being able to use in pausing Menus
    • Fixed: ActionLists not displaying until Actions Manager was viewed when created with New Game Wizard
    • Fixed: Paths Inspector showing controls when attached to a Player or NPC
    • Fixed: Menu previewing not updating instantly when changing Window size or deleting Menu Elements
    • Fixed: Using the Engine: Play sound Action to play music causing the music to restart if the clip was already playing
    • Fixed: Drag and First Person modes no longer working for Touch Screen devices
    • Fixed: Asset-based ActionLists called with "Engine: Run ActionList" Action not being processed by Speech Manager
  • Great stuff!!!! Bravo @Chris I would like to ask though is it ok to just download the upgrade straight on to the old version or there is a safer procedure to do this without spoiling ones project?
  • Excellent work Chris! Adventure Creator is the best purchase that I've made in years. Thank you so much!
  • Wow, an impressive update! Can't wait to test the Engine: Manage Systems action!
  • Wow that's a lot of new stuff to test! Thanks Chris!
  • Great update, thank'you Chris!
  • You're welcome, guys!

    @Antonis: I'd suggest you back up your game before upgrading, as a rule, but generally the procedure is indeed to replace the old version.
  • I'm dancing a happy dance over this update. So much good stuff.
  • Absolutely stunning work as always, Chris. The Animated Cameras have definitely grabbed my attention over here :)
  • Amazing! Thank you!
  • edited April 2014
    Bug alert!  A critical error was found when using the Character: Animate Action on Mecanim-based Characters.  If this is relevant to you, please download the 1.30a release, which fixes this.  No other changes made.
  • Chris the quickest of the world!
    Just updated and tested, all come back to normality (at least the mecanim anim, of course).
    Tx great boy!

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