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Current Walk Through?

Hi all, while I've had AC for a while, just now looking in actually using it.
Was curious if there were any current videos on how to set up AC? I did find TeleHammer's Videos, but its for an obviously older version.

thanks in advance!


  • My apologies for the late reply, @PlayBoxTech - I'm afraid your post slipped under my radar.

    AC's been undergoing some UI improvements and Editor tweaks in the last few releases (and a few more planned to come), so I will be looking to create some updated video tutorials to reflect these changes.

    In the meantime, I would still recommend the official video tutorials - which are still largely relevant, and pinned comments on the Youtube pages have been added to note any major changes since you'll need to be aware of.

    The text tutorials, however, are up to date. If you also have any questions about using a specific aspect of AC, just ask over in Technical Q&A and I can give assistance.

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