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Hiding menu elements via Actionlist not working

edited July 22 in Technical Q&A

I think I'm making a really basic error somewhere and I could use help! So I have a menu called "Journal Exit", as evidenced here:

I also have a scene called "Intro_Scene."

What I want is for the Journal Exit menu to be hidden as long as Intro_Scene is the current scene.

So I made a simple Actionlist that runs when Journal Exit is up, toggling Journal Exit to be invisible if the current scene is Intro_Scene. Like so:

However, when I run Intro_Scene, I can still see Journal Exit, as evidenced by the Journal & Exit icons you see below in Intro_Scene:

I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong!


  • What's the Menu's Appear type property currently set to?

    A Menu will turn on automatically if its "Appear" condition is met - I'd expect what's happening is that the Menu is turning off (due to your Action), but turning back on immediately after.

    To prevent a Menu from turning on, regardless of its "Appear" condition, you can lock it. This can be done with the same Action - just set the Change to make to Lock Menu.

  • You correctly diagnosed the issue and it works now! The game's Appear Type was "during gameplay." I found a better way to handle things, and I understand better how AC works now. Thank you!

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