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Hierarchy icons disappeared

edited June 1 in Technical Q&A

Hey Chris, I've just updated from AC 1.80.2 to 1.81.2 (I just reimported AC and unselected the PersistentEngine prefab). Now the hierarchy icons are gone, even when Show icons? All" is selected under Project Settings. Is this a bug or just my project?

Unity 2022.3.22f1


  • I can't recreate such behaviour on my end. Is it the same if you import AC into a fresh project of the same Unity version?

    If you fancy debugging, the icons are rendered via the HierarchyIcons script's HierarchyItemCB function - a Debug.Log in there may help reveal what's going on.

  • Thanks, Chris! The issue was not the AC update: I updated from Unity 2021 to 2022 a couple of months ago, and then had to take a break, so I did not notice the icons had disappeared when I updated Unity. HierarchyItemCB was not running at all, though all the other functions in the script were.

    This was down to a long deprecated version of Anima2D, which also called EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI and must have been doing something funny with it. I don't use it any more, so I just had to delete the asset for AC's hierarchy icons to show up again.

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