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Playmaker Call Event

Hi, for some reason, the field for calling a specific event within a FSM using the Playmaker action didn't show up.
I asked ChatGPT to fix it and it works. @ChrisIceBox Maybe something got broken in some update, as I saw parts of the original code that were supposed to show that field.

 *  Adventure Creator
 *  by Chris Burton, 2013-2024
 *  "ActionPlayMaker.cs"
 *  This action interacts with the popular
 *  PlayMaker FSM-manager.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEditor;

namespace AC

    public class ActionPlayMaker : Action

        public bool isPlayer;
        public int playerID = -1;
        public int playerParameterID = -1;

        public int constantID = 0;
        public int parameterID = -1;
        public GameObject linkedObject;
        protected GameObject runtimeLinkedObject;

        public string fsmName;
        public int fsmNameParameterID = -1;
        public string eventName;
        public int eventNameParameterID = -1;

        public override ActionCategory Category { get { return ActionCategory.ThirdParty; }}
        public override string Title { get { return "PlayMaker"; }}
        public override string Description { get { return "Calls a specified Event within a PlayMaker FSM. Note that PlayMaker is a separate Unity Asset, and the 'PlayMakerIsPresent' preprocessor must be defined for this to work."; }}

        public override void AssignValues (List<ActionParameter> parameters)
            if (isPlayer)
                Player player = AssignPlayer (playerID, parameters, playerParameterID);
                runtimeLinkedObject = (player != null) ? player.gameObject : null;
                runtimeLinkedObject = AssignFile (parameters, parameterID, constantID, linkedObject);

            fsmName = AssignString (parameters, fsmNameParameterID, fsmName);
            eventName = AssignString (parameters, eventNameParameterID, eventName);

        public override float Run ()
            if (isPlayer && KickStarter.player == null)
                LogWarning ("Cannot use Player's FSM since no Player was found!");

            if (runtimeLinkedObject != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (eventName))
                if (fsmName != "")
                    PlayMakerIntegration.CallEvent (runtimeLinkedObject, eventName, fsmName);
                    PlayMakerIntegration.CallEvent (runtimeLinkedObject, eventName);

            return 0f;

        #if UNITY_EDITOR

        public override void ShowGUI (List<ActionParameter> parameters)
            if (PlayMakerIntegration.IsDefinePresent ())
                isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Use Player's FSM?", isPlayer);
                if (isPlayer)
                    PlayerField (ref playerID, parameters, ref playerParameterID);
                    GameObjectField ("Playmaker FSM:", ref linkedObject, ref constantID, parameters, ref parameterID);

                TextField ("FSM to call (optional):", ref fsmName, parameters, ref fsmNameParameterID);
                TextField ("Event name:", ref eventName, parameters, ref eventNameParameterID);  // Add this line to ensure the eventName field is visible
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("The 'PlayMakerIsPresent' Scripting Define Symbol must be listed in the\nPlayer Settings. Please set it from Edit -> Project Settings -> Player", MessageType.Warning);

        public override void AssignConstantIDs (bool saveScriptsToo, bool fromAssetFile)
            if (!isPlayer)
                constantID = AssignConstantID (linkedObject, constantID, parameterID);

        public override bool ReferencesObjectOrID (GameObject gameObject, int id)
            if (parameterID < 0 && !isPlayer)
                if (linkedObject && linkedObject == gameObject) return true;
                if (constantID == id && id != 0) return true;
            return base.ReferencesObjectOrID (gameObject, id);

        public override bool ReferencesPlayer (int _playerID = -1)
            if (!isPlayer) return false;
            if (_playerID < 0) return true;
            if (playerID < 0 && playerParameterID < 0) return true;
            return (playerParameterID < 0 && playerID == _playerID);


         * <summary>Creates a new instance of the 'Third Party: PlayMaker' Action</summary>
         * <param name = "playMakerFSM">The GameObject with the Playmaker FSM to trigger</param>
         * <param name = "eventToCall">The name of the event to trigger</param>
         * <param name = "fsmName">The name of the FSM to call</param>
         * <returns>The generated Action</returns>
        public static ActionPlayMaker CreateNew (GameObject playmakerFSM, string eventToCall, string fsmName = "")
            ActionPlayMaker newAction = CreateNew<ActionPlayMaker> ();
            newAction.linkedObject = playmakerFSM;
            newAction.TryAssignConstantID (newAction.linkedObject, ref newAction.constantID);
            newAction.eventName = eventToCall;
            newAction.fsmName = fsmName;
            return newAction;




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