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number puzzle design

I want to create a number puzzle for a lock in which player should move all of the initial numbers into new positions. And when a number is moved into a new position, that position is locked and it would not accept any other number, but the position from the number was moved from is now free.

Here's some pics:

There will be much more numbers than in that example image.

I made a menu in AC and I was going to control the game and change the numbers in the GUI via script. But then I noticed that I probably should create a large number of AC variables and then link them to the texts. And set the color of the position (button) as something else.
What would be the best way to create this puzzle?


  • I'd say it's best to leave AC out of it as best you can. If you're writing a script to handle the numbers and logic, then the values themselves can also be stored within the script. AC could be uesd to reference the Canvas root prefab (so the Menu can turn on/off), but I'd recommend clearing all the Elements so that they Buttons are only referenced through the custom script(s).

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