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Opening Pause menu blocks interaction with game.

Hello! I searched around the forums to see if my question was already done but I didn't find it.

I've been creating a project with Adventure Creator and started to modify the UI (nothing fancy, just moving the inventory at the bottom, stuff like that) when I noticed that when clicking the Pause Menu, when closing it I couldn't interact with anything.

I tried this on a new blank scene with nothing else, and the issue still occurs. From what I can see it leaves behind a GameObject named "SetupPauseMenu1" which is created when opening the menu, and I assume should be removed when the menu is closed. If I open another window in the pause menu the name updates with another 1 too, which is odd.

The tl;dr:

  • Unity version: 2022.3.25f1
  • Adventure Creator version: 1.80.4

What happens:
1. Create an empty scene
2. Run the AC Game Editor > Scene, and override the default camera perspective: Set to 2D and moving and turning to Unity 2D.
3. Apply it (with or without borders, does not matter).
4. Play the game.
5. Click on the menu button.
6. Close the menu.
7. The mouse icon is visible but it is not detected, and there's an object on scene called "SetupPauseMenu 1"


  • edited April 25

    Welcome to the community, @Marron121. Thanks for the clear details, and apologies for the initial trouble.

    You've encountered an issue that caused changes made by the New Game Wizard to not get saved by Unity correctly after a restart.

    This should be fixed in v1.80.5 - so the issue with the Wizard should disappear if you update.

    However, it would mean you need to re-run the Wizard. If you want to continue with your existing assets, look for your game's SetupPauseMenu and ActiveInput_PauseGame ActionList assets, and make sure that their When running properties are both set to Run In Background.

    The bug in your current version causes these to revert back to Block Gameplay after restarting Unity for the first time after their creation - but manually amending them once ought to resolve it.

  • Hi @ChrisIceBox. First of all, thank you for the welcome and the quick response to my doubt. The explanation was super clear :smile:

    However, before seeing this response I was also checking stuff on my own and focused on the name of the object, Setup Pause Menu 1, and found the 1 at the end weird since it did not appear in other elements spawned automatically with adventure creator. I looked around and noticed I had two copies of the ActionList for the pause menu, with the second one having this 1 at the end of the name (SetupPauseMenu 1) and being the one assigned to the pause menu when being turned on.

    I don't know how it happened, but after applying the original one, it also seemed to fix the issue and everything worked correctly. I don't know is this is something that can happen or I did it accidentally, but I wanted to provide the information just in case.

    If it's ok, I also noticed you said there is a known bug in the version I'm using which caused this issue. By any chance is there a list of known issues for the version I'm using of Adventure Creator (1.80.4)? It's ok if there is none, but I just wanted to ask.

    Thank you again for the quick response :) Love the tool and so far has been a blast to use, even with this small issue I just stumbled on :D

  • I looked around and noticed I had two copies of the ActionList for the pause menu, with the second one having this 1 at the end of the name (SetupPauseMenu 1) and being the one assigned to the pause menu when being turned on.

    Thanks for the info. Unless you re-ran the Wizard again, I'm not sure how a duplicate would have appeared - but it's possible its another symptom of the original issue.

    is there a list of known issues for the version I'm using of Adventure Creator (1.80.4)?

    Whenever possible, known issues are generally fixed within the next update. v1.80.5 addressed the following bugs:

    • Fixed: Issues with the New Game Wizard's default interface creation
    • Fixed: Player component's "Jump speed" field not always showing when intended
    • Fixed: "Menu: Change state" Action sometimes changing the currently-selected menu element inadvertently
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