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Action Lists bugging out (After Version Control Pull?)

edited April 13 in Technical Q&A

Hey guys,

Sometimes, i'm having issues where random action lists start bugging out, i notice this usually happens after a VCS merge.
1. There will be a random action list (sometimes more then one), where the 'Start' status disappears and would require us to completely remake the action list for it to work properly again. Here on the left a broken action list, and on the right a working one:

  1. There is this issue, when for example i develop a custom Adventure Creator action, use it in a action list, merge to version control. Then another developer pulls these changes, this new custom action is for him replaced by a 'engine wait' action. Maybe it will work if i first push the custom actions, the other developer pulls these first, and only then start using them in action lists, just wondering what effect that would have if we decide to do a fresh pull on a new pc. Would all the custom actions be replaced?

Version 1.80.3

Is there something in our process that we are doing wrong and we should fix?
Would love to hear any opinion!


  • edited April 14

    Apologies for the issues. Which VCS are you using, what is your Unity version, and what is your "Asset Serialization Mode" setting set to, inside the Project / Editor settings page?


    For an ActionList that shows this issue, try restoring its backup via the Inspector's cog menu and choosing Action data -> Restore. Does that correct it?

    This may be an issue between the version control and the way Unity serializes scene-based ActionLists. If so, avoiding scene-based ActionLists and relying only on ActionList assets should prevent this.

    Existing ActionLists can be converted to assets via their cog menu. If desired, the existing list can remain in place and "reference" the Actions in the asset, so that references to the scene list are still valid.

    Ideally this wouldn't be necessary, and I am looking into alternatives.


    Does this apply to ActionList assets as well, or just scene-based Actions?

    Was there a jump in AC versions as part of the pull?

    I haven't encountered this behaviour before, but I'd the custom Action - and the updated Actions Manager that references it - will need to be imported for the ActionList to display correctly. This should occur all at once with a pull, naturally, so I'm not sure how this could occur - is the custom Action not appearing in the Actions Manager either?

  • Hey Chris,

    Thank you so much for the information! We will be experimenting a bit with Git as our VCS, since we've been using the Unity VCS as for now, which has been giving other random problems as well. We feel this might be the thing that creates several issues.

    I'll post more information as soon as we migrate.

    Thanks again!

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