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Problem with inventorybox looping

Hey there,

I noticed a issue with the 'Supports looping?' feature of a InventoryBox.
Whenever this option is enabled and:

  • Inventory is empty, it results in:
    ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) (at <7ec8e29954a6455daa48484a381ec418>:0)
    AC.MenuInventoryBox.GetItemList (System.Boolean doLimit) (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Menu/Menu classes/MenuInventoryBox.cs:1842)
    AC.MenuInventoryBox.CopyInventoryBox (AC.MenuInventoryBox _element, System.Boolean ignoreUnityUI) (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Menu/Menu classes/MenuInventoryBox.cs:243)
    AC.MenuInventoryBox.DuplicateSelf (System.Boolean fromEditor, System.Boolean ignoreUnityUI) (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Menu/Menu classes/MenuInventoryBox.cs:163)
    AC.Menu.Copy (AC.Menu _menu, System.Boolean fromEditor, System.Boolean forceUIFields) (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Menu/Menu classes/Menu.cs:381)
    AC.PlayerMenus.RebuildMenus (AC.MenuManager menuManager) (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Controls/PlayerMenus.cs:156)
    AC.PlayerMenus.OnInitPersistentEngine () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Controls/PlayerMenus.cs:88)
    AC.StateHandler.Initialise (System.Boolean rebuildMenus) (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Game engine/StateHandler.cs:121)
    AC.KickStarter.SetPersistentEngine () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Game engine/KickStarter.cs:178)
    AC.KickStarter.Initialise () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Game engine/KickStarter.cs:1104)
    AC.MultiSceneChecker.Awake () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Game engine/MultiSceneChecker.cs:45)

  • Inventory has less items then available slots:
    It shows the current available items in the supposedly 'empty slots' instead of showing empty slots:

I have tested this in a minimal project, to make sure


  • Apologies for the hassle. I'll look into these - thanks for the details.

  • Recreated.

    To fix, open up AC's MenuInventoryBox script, and replace line 1837:

    if (canBeLooped)


    if (canBeLooped && newItemList.Count >= maxSlots)
  • Thanks! This works, another thing that popped up during testing after implementing this fix:

    When you only have -for example- 1 item in your inventory (anything less then max slots) and you do the following:

    • 'Shift Next': Game freezes for ~1 sec and then resumes.
    • 'Shift Previous': it crashes with the same error:
      ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
      Parameter name: index
      System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) (at <7ec8e29954a6455daa48484a381ec418>:0)
      AC.MenuInventoryBox.Display (UnityEngine.GUIStyle _style, System.Int32 _slot, System.Single zoom, System.Boolean isActive) (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Menu/Menu classes/MenuInventoryBox.cs:1120)
      AC.PlayerMenus.DrawMenu (AC.Menu menu, System.Int32 languageNumber) (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Controls/PlayerMenus.cs:720)
      AC.PlayerMenus.DrawMenus () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Controls/PlayerMenus.cs:496)
      AC.StateHandler._OnGUI () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Game engine/StateHandler.cs:463)
      AC.StateHandler.OnGUI () (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Game engine/StateHandler.cs:383)

    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)

    I will also look at the code to see if i can figure something out. But you're faster for sure :smile:

  • Thanks, and apologies once more.

    In MenuElement, find the Shift function starting line 975, and insert the following at the top, line 977:

    if (canBeLooped && arraySize < maxSlots) return;

    There is also an issue with the Shift Left/Right buttons' Only show when visible? option, but this will be addressed in the next update.

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