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Add more data to objetives

edited March 28 in Technical Q&A

Hello, I’m currently working on implementing an objective user interface. In addition to displaying quest details, I’d like to include information about the quest giver’s name and location. Is there a way to expand the data from objectives so that I can incorporate it into the UI?


  • Welcome to the community, @mohut.

    Currently, this would require the use of scripting - to store such data in a separate component, that then links to the Objective via its ID number.

    For example:

    using UnityEngine;
    using AC;
    public class AdditionalObjectiveData : MonoBehaviour
        public int objectiveID;
        public string giverName;
        public string location;

    There are a few ways you can then expand this to integrate into your UI. The easiest way is to just read the currently-selected Objective, and update Global String variables with its values if the ID matches. These variables can then be displayed in the UI using tokens:

    void Update ()
        if (KickStarter.runtimeObjectives.SelectedObjective != null && KickStarter.runtimeObjectives.SelectedObjective.ObjectiveID == objectiveID)
            GlobalVariables.GetVariable ("Giver name").TextValue = giverName;
            GlobalVariables.GetVariable ("Location").TextValue = location;
  • Thank you very much. This works perfectly :smiley:

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