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Remember TextMeshProUGUI text?

Hi all,

Hope you are doing well!
Is it possible to remember text when going in and out of a scene?

I noticed that text objects that I am dynamically updating in a scene do not retain their changes when I step out of the scene and then go back in.

I tried looking at the available options for "Remember __" scripts, but I didn't see anything that would match scripts. Global variables would not work in this case it seems, since it's a regular GUI element -- not an AC-linked one.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!


  • If it's not linked to an AC Menu or Variable, you'll need to write a custom Remember component to record the text.

    This tutorial covers the process.

  • Ah got it, thank you so much! Looks like this worked!

  • @ChrisIceBox Is it possible to link a textmeshpro object to a variable?
    I tried putting in [localvar:0] in the textmeshpro object but when I click play, it still shows up as [localvar:0] instead of its value.

  • The ConvertTokens function can be used in custom scripts to manually replace tokens with their variable values.

    The brute-force technique would be to set this in an Update loop, i.e.:

    using UnityEngine;
    public class TMProTokenText : MonoBehaviour
        public string originalText;
        public TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI uiText;
        void Update ()
            string convertedText = AC.AdvGame.ConvertTokens (originalText);
            uiText.text = convertedText;
  • Awesome, thank you so much!

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