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Bars displayed on top and bottom of screen in application

Hi all.

I'm having an issue with the build of our game where black bars are added on the top and bottom of the screen. It makes it difficult to play because the cursor goes outside of the game space. It isn't an issue in editor and only shows up in build. Anyone know why this is happening?

Thank you!


  • Could be an aspect ratio enforcement.

    In the Settings Manager's "Camera" panel, there's an Aspect ratio field - is this set to Fixed or Range? This'll produce top and bottom bars to fit the content to the given ratio.

    This'll occur in the Editor as well, but only if the aspect ratio of the Game window doesn't match the one supplied. Do they appear if you play with the Game window's resolution box at the top-left?

  • edited January 24

    It was set to None Enforced.

    The game looks fine in editor when it's set to None or Ranged, but breaks if it's set to Fixed. When I set it to Fixed, it switches to a camera for a puzzle pack that's also in the project instead, not sure why.. Here is the pack-

    I tried a build with it set to Ranged with a wide range and it still has the black bars.

    I'm not sure what to do from here. Thank you for your help!

  • Keep it an None Enforced - that should prevent AC from adding borders.

    If you have another asset that affects the camera, could that be causing them? Create a new scene and initialise it with AC's Scene Manager - do they appear in there?

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