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Tilesmap and camera constrain

Dear Chris, thanks in advance for your help. I'm wondering if there's a way (or workaround) to use camera background constrain when the background is drawn with tilemaps


  • The background constraint needs a SpriteRenderer - but it doesn't need to have a Sprite that's actually visible. You could assign an empty sprite and re-shape it to match the same size as the Tilemap.

    However, it may be possible to adjust the GameCamera 2D to allow generic Renderers to be set - which would allow both SpriteRenderer and TilemapRenderer components to be assigned. I'll look into this.

  • I put a square sprite with alpha to ZERO and worked great thanks!

  • Should be a temporary fix - the next update will allow you to assign a Tilemap Renderer directly as a constraint.

  • That's wonderful!

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