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UCC v3 & AC Integration

Heyo, just wanted to firstly say thank you for making AC. Monkey Island has been my favourite game since I was a child, so it's been a tremdous experience being able to use AC.

I've been experimenting with the new UCC integration and was just inquiring if the setup was correct. I noticed in the demo it says:
It provides AC/UCC motion control syncing, camera control, AC/UCC inventory item syncing, and AC Interactables.
Unfortunately I couldn't find examples of the latter two.

  1. In the demo scene, after applying the managers - the AC inventory is constantly in view. Is this correct behaviour?

2. On the UCC Item Pickup, the "AC_UCC_Item" script throws 2 errors. One on play, and the other after the weapon has been picked up.

Setup for the item pickup was as mentioned - attaching the AC_UCC_Item and assigning the correct ID (in this case as the UCC integration demo already have 2 items in the inventory, I just chose the ID of the pistol (0) and pistol pickup) and placing the Pistol pickup in the world.

Using the AC_UCC Demo character (Atlas) (and adding the UCC canvas), the item pickup is interactable by button press, but also tested with "on trigger enter" on the Pistol pickup, both errors occurred.

3. It seems the pickup doesn't add the item to AC's inventory at the top of the screen. Does it need to have any further settings changed?

So I'm just wondering if I've butchered the integration, or if it's missing some key examples / behaviour?


  • In the demo scene, after applying the managers - the AC inventory is constantly in view. Is this correct behaviour?

    For demonstration purposes, since the cursor is locked by default, it shows during gameplay so that you can check that items are being added correctly.

    You can adjust this easily however, by going to the Menu Manager, selecting the Inventory menu, and altering the Appear type field. Setting this to Mouse Over will show it while the cursor is moved over (you'll need to unlock it through runtime input), setting it to Manual allows you to use the Menu: Change state Action to force it on and off at specific times.

    On the UCC Item Pickup, the "AC_UCC_Item" script throws 2 errors. One on play, and the other after the weapon has been picked up.

    Any instance of this script needs to be attached to a "Character Item" component. I can update it with a check for this - to do nothing if the component's missing - but it'll still need that component to work.

    It seems the pickup doesn't add the item to AC's inventory at the top of the screen. Does it need to have any further settings changed?

    I'd expect this is linked with the error above. Could you share a screenshot of the pickup's full Inspector?

  • Ah brilliant, thank you Chris on all accounts.

    Ohh, that is entirely my bad. Think I read the doc PDF wrong! - I placed the "AC_UCC_Item" script on the pickup instead of the actual "item" (located: Opsive -> UltimateCharacterController -> Demo -> Prefabs -> Items -> Shooter -> Pistol -> PistolWeaponRight)

    Here's the Item Pickup Prefab (which doesn't have the Character Item script):

    I attached AC_UCC_Item to the weapon prefab itself and it works perfectly.

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