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Inventory erratic behavior

Hi everybody, I hope you're doing ok. For this topic I uploaded some videos to help me explain the issue, because it's kind of complicated. I switched the Input Method to "Keyboard or Controller" and the Interaction Method to "Context Sensitive" so It can be played using just a joystick. I searched through the forum and the user manual, but still can't find what am I doing wrong.

I think switching to moving the cursor with the joystick could be a solution, but I would rather make this work with no need for the cursor (unless you recommend me to switch).

01 Inventory with wrong visual behavior.
This video shows the inventory being able to hold different items and moving them around by pressing the action button and releasing it when over a free slot. But visually, the only slot that gets highlighted is the first one.

02 Crafting correct behavior
Here you can see the crafting UI working properly, as I intend the inventory UI to work.

03 AC Menu tab
Some settings info.

04 AC Settings tab
More settings info.

05 InventoryUI setup
More settings info.

06 Inventory with correct visual behavior but wrong item behavior
In this video, what I tried was to copy/paste the 1st slot to make the inventory again, and it worked! at least visually.

07 Inventory with correct visual behavior but wrong
And finally you can see here that when I take more than 1 item, you can't see it in the inventory UI, but when you interact with the crafting UI you see that the items are there.
Also, with this settings, I wasn't able to move the first item through the inventory.

Can anybody spot the cause of problem?


  • EDIT: I didn't find a fix, but I realized I had two inputs set to the same joystick button, "InteractionA" and "Submit". I changed them now to X and O buttons.

  • edited November 2023

    EDIT: I finally found the issue. Since I don't know how to erase this discussion, I'll just post the solution just in case somebody else faces the same issue.

    After I copied/pasted the 1st slot button and fixed the visual part of the problem, I forgot to link the buttons again from the UI editor to the AC Inventory setup so the RecordedConstantID could update and properly link to the buttons as seen in the UI.

    I hope I didn't waste anybody's time by seeing all this!

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