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ActionList Object/Call Event not allowing input for standalone ActionList

edited September 2023 in Technical Q&A

When doing an ActionList Object/Call Event with an asset in the hierarchy, I can add the Hotspot:Bed_01 to the field (see image 1).
However, when I have a 'stand alone' ActionList (meaning a separate ActionList not associated with an asset), I cannot add the same Hotspot to the same field as in the example above (see image 2).

Not sure if I am missing something and hope that made sense.

Unity version: 2021.3.21f1
AC version: 1.78.4

Image 1:
Image 2:


  • Asset-based Action fields normally rely on AC's Constant ID system to allow reference to scene objects. The Object: Call event Action, however, relies on Unity's event system - which doesn't allow for this.

    The alternative Action to use here is the Object: Send message Action, which does use Constant IDs. This Action can be used to invoke script functions on the assigned object.

  • Got it to work with your suggestion...thanks

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