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Custom Fade Effect for Timeline is not possible (for VR)

My game is meant to work for both PC and VR.

Sometimes I use the Camera->Fade action in ActionList or CameraFadeTrack in Timeline to darken the screen.

Generally, for PC, the MainCamera.DrawCameraFade() method detects whether MainCamera.alpha>0 or MainCamera.timelineFadeOverride==true and simply obscures the screen by drawing a texture (actualFadeTexture or timelineFadeTexture) using GUI.DrawTexture, but this doesn't work for VR.

So I created a custom fade effect using KickStarter.mainCamera.GetFadeAlpha() and KickStarter.mainCamera.GetFadeTexture() on my WorldSpace canvas.
Unfortunately, this only works for ActionList and does not work in Timeline for CameraFadeTrack.

So I decided to try to find the property responsible for Timeline and found it in MainCamera, but they are "protected" and I don't have access to them.

// Timeline
protected bool timelineOverride;
protected bool timelineFadeOverride;
protected Texture2D timelineFadeTexture;
protected float timelineFadeWeight;

I have now changed the "protected" properties to "public," and my code uses them like this:

if (isPlayableDirectorPlayingTimeline)
    screenFaderCanvasGroup.alpha = KickStarter.mainCamera.timelineFadeWeight;
    screenFaderFadingTexture.texture = KickStarter.mainCamera.timelineFadeTexture;
    screenFaderCanvasGroup.alpha = KickStarter.mainCamera.GetFadeAlpha();
    screenFaderFadingTexture.texture = KickStarter.mainCamera.GetFadeTexture();

And this works very well but only until the next Adventure Creator update.

Can anything be done about this?"


  • I will look into it, thanks for the details.

  • No problem. Looking forward to any update about this.

  • Recreated. In v1.78.3, the GetFadeAlpha and GetFadeTexture functions will be fixed to return correct values during Timeline.

  • Thank you, Chris! I've tested it in v1.78.3, and it works like a charm. I appreciate the quick fix.

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