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Problem with QTE

I'm doing this tutorial:

And I'm having trouble because my Default animation runs without problems as soon as the canvas of the QTE shows up in screen but the Hit animation doesn't show when I push the correct button. The weird this is that the QTE works perfectly, if I press it enough, I win, if I don't, it's game over. So it recognize the button, but the Hit animation doesn't work.

I attach my animator window here


  • What are your AC/Unity versions, and is your Animator attached to the root of the Menu assigned in the Action?

  • My Unity version is: 2021.3.19
    My AC version is: 1.77.3

    I'm not sure about what you are asking there but I have the prefab of the Canvas that shows up when the QTE starts on the Menu Manager, inside the correct QTE menu. If it needs to be attached anywhere else, I don't know where it should be.

  • The automatic animation has a couple of requirements for it to kick in:

    • The Animator needs to be involved on the Canvas
    • The name of the Menu needs to be assigned in the Action

    If you can share screenshots of the Menu in the Menu Manager, its Canvas prefab root Inspector, and the Action, I'll try to spot what's wrong.

  • Thank you.

    The Animator needs to be moved to the Canvas_QTE object (the root of the prefab).

    However, I think it makes sense to lift this restriction. If you open up AC's ActionQTE script, look for this code block:

    if (animateUI && menu.RuntimeCanvas != null && menu.RuntimeCanvas.GetComponent <Animator>())
        animator = menu.RuntimeCanvas.GetComponent <Animator>();

    Immediately underneath, copy/paste the following:

    if (animateUI && menu.RuntimeCanvas && animator == null)
        animator = menu.RuntimeCanvas.GetComponentInChildren<Animator> ();

    That should allow your Animator to remain where it is.

    If that works for you, I'll include the same change in the next update.

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