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Inventory Item Close up

Hello again, in my 2D game, I have implemented a feature where I can right-click to examine an inventory item - the setup is almost identical to that of 'The Chamber' ( What I'm trying to achieve is displaying a larger image of an inventory item upon examination. I am wondering, is there a way to have different images for the ItemGraphic in the InvenItemCloseup menu and the Main Graphic (in the AC Game Editor - Inventory)? I have noticed a "Linked prefab" field in the Inventory Manager panel, but I'm uncertain about its functionality. Any guidance or useful references for handling menus would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!


  • Currently, it'd involve scripting - but I am looking into ways to improve this.

    In the meantime, here is an alternative script to The Chamber's NewItemMenuSetup script that exposes a list of item textures that you can assign in its Inspector:

    using UnityEngine;
    using AC;
    public class NewItemMenuSetup_Alternative : MonoBehaviour
        private const string menuName = "NewItem";
        private const string inventoryMenuName = "Inventory";
        private const string nameElement = "ItemName";
        private const string graphicElement = "ItemGraphic";
        [SerializeField] private ItemGraphic[] itemGraphics = new ItemGraphic[0];
        private void OnEnable ()
            EventManager.OnInventoryAdd += OnInventoryAdd;
            EventManager.OnMenuTurnOn += OnMenuTurnOn;
            EventManager.OnMenuTurnOff += OnMenuTurnOff;
        private void OnDisable ()
            EventManager.OnInventoryAdd -= OnInventoryAdd;
            EventManager.OnMenuTurnOn -= OnMenuTurnOn;
            EventManager.OnMenuTurnOff -= OnMenuTurnOff;
        private void OnInventoryAdd (InvItem invItem, int count)
            Menu newItemMenu = PlayerMenus.GetMenuWithName (menuName);
            MenuLabel itemNameLabel = newItemMenu.GetElementWithName (nameElement) as MenuLabel;
            itemNameLabel.label = invItem.GetLabel (Options.GetLanguage ());
            itemNameLabel.UpdateLabelText ();
            Texture2D tex = null;
            foreach (ItemGraphic itemGraphic in itemGraphics)
                if (itemGraphic.itemID ==
                    MenuGraphic menuGraphic = newItemMenu.GetElementWithName (graphicElement) as MenuGraphic;
                    menuGraphic.SetNormalGraphicTexture (itemGraphic.graphic);
            newItemMenu.TurnOn ();
        private void OnMenuTurnOn (Menu menu, bool isInstant)
            if (menu.title == menuName)
                PlayerMenus.GetMenuWithName (inventoryMenuName).ignoreMouseClicks = true;
                KickStarter.playerInput.dragOverrideInput = "DragOverride";
                KickStarter.stateHandler.SetInteractionSystem (false);
        private void OnMenuTurnOff (Menu menu, bool isInstant)
            if (menu.title == menuName)
                PlayerMenus.GetMenuWithName (inventoryMenuName).ignoreMouseClicks = false;
                KickStarter.playerInput.dragOverrideInput = string.Empty;
                KickStarter.stateHandler.SetInteractionSystem (true);
        private class ItemGraphic
            public int itemID;
            public Texture2D graphic;
  • Chris, I can't thank you enough. Your code is working perfectly and was exactly what I was looking for. Your dedication to continuously improve Adventure Creator is truly appreciated. Once again, my sincerest thanks for your help!

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