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onvarchange usage

Hi Chris,

It seems that AC can check if there is any variable changing in runtime.
In my case, I have a GVar changed in a script. But it seems that AC fail to check variable changes driven by a script.
So is the onvarchange in a scene can only check the variable change driven by actionlist in AC?
If onvarchange can check variable changing in script. How can I do it? Pls help, thanks.


  • The Scene Manager's OnVarChange will only run if using the provided Actions - as it will only run once the ActionList has ended.

    If you're affecting a variable value through script, you can hook into the OnVariableChange custom event, which will run instantly if a variable is updated:

    void OnEnable () { EventManager.OnVariableChange += OnVariableChange; }
    void OnDisable () { EventManager.OnVariableChange -= OnVariableChange; }
    void OnVariableChange (GVar variable)
        Debug.Log ("Changed " + variable.type.ToString () + " variable '" + variable.label + "' to " + variable.GetValue ());
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