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Using Spine for mouth movements with dialogue

Hi Chris,

Are you aware of the solution to have mouth shapes move phonetically and follow the dialogue where the mouth shapes are within the Spine project?


  • See the Manual's "Lip syncing" chapter for details on AC's lip-syncing features.

    With lip-syncing enabled, a Sprites Unity Complex character can be assigned a Float parameter that is mapped to the normalized phoneme frame.

    If you're using a custom animation engine such as Spine, you can have a custom script read the character's GetLipSyncNormalised value in an Update function, and apply this to a "Phoneme" float parameter in your Animator manually, i.e.:

    public Animator _animator;
    public AC.Char character;
    void Update ()
        _animator.SetFloat ("Phoneme", character.GetLipSyncNormalised ());

    This parameter can then be used to drive e.g. a Blend Tree that controls which phoneme is displayed.

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