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Objectives Question!

So I want to introduce the system that whenever I complete an objective the simple check box is filled with a green tick. How can I do that? Everything is part of a single menu the "Objective" one! Thank You!


  • You'd need a short script that reads the state of the selected Objective, and affects the appearance of the tick based on that.

    If your Menu uses "Adventure Creator" as its Source, you'd need to create the tick as a separate "Graphic" element, named "Tick", and then set its visibility:

    using UnityEngine;
    using AC;
    public class ObjectiveTick : MonoBehaviour
        void Update ()
            bool showTick = false;
            if (KickStarter.runtimeObjectives.SelectedObjective != null)
                var stateType = KickStarter.runtimeObjectives.SelectedObjective.CurrentState.stateType;
                showTick = (stateType == ObjectiveStateType.Complete);
            PlayerMenus.GetElementWithName ("Objectives", "Tick").IsVisible = showTick;

    If you were to use Unity UI, you could alternatively use an Image component not linked to the Menu, and attach a script to affect its appearance in a similar way.

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