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Support for HDR Color in custom actions


I'd like to request support for HDR Colors & color pickers in custom actions. Currently you can do a Vector4 field but it's not as fluid as being able to use an HDR color picker.



  • Having Unity display its HDR colour picker is a case of attaching the ColorUsage attribute to the colour variable, i.e.:

    [ColorUsage (true, true)] public Color myColor;

    IIRC, however, such attributes are ignored by Unity when fields are used in custom Editors such as Actions.

    To get around this, you can serialize the Action and use a PropertyField to represent the field in the Action's ShowGUI function, rather than a specific field type:

    var serializedObject = new SerializedObject (this);
    serializedObject.Update ();
    SerializedProperty vectorProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty ("myColor");
    EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (vectorProperty, true);
    serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties ();
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