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AC 1.77.2 update breaks my game.

So I updated from AC 1.76.3 to the new 1.77.2 and my game breaks in multiple ways. First thing I noticed is the camera following the player are now offset in runtime but looks fine in the editor. But I also have animations not working properly, global variables not being respected and so on and on. I'm not sure if anything can be done? I can always just continue development in AC 1.76.3.
I'm using Unity 2021.3.24f1.


  • It's quite a jump between versions - have you been through the "Upgrade notes" sections between each release in the Changelog, as well as re-assigned your game's Managers?

    The issues can be looked into, but you'll need to share specific details on each problem.

  • Would it be worth a try to upgrade incrementally up towards 1.77.2 and is that possible, I can't seem to find a way to download other versions than the latest?
    What do you mean been through the upgrade notes, and I'm not sure what the changelog is? so that is a no. :)
    I imported the new version without References as suggested in the manual, so my Managers are all fine.

  • The Changelog file in the root AdventureCreator folder lists all changes for each update.

    At the top of each is an "Upgrade notes" section, which lists any changes you may need to be aware of for your game to continue as it was before the update.

  • edited May 2023

    I don't see anything in the upgrade notes that should affect my game.
    I tried importing the update again with everything included and then re-assigning the managers, but the problems are the same.
    Is it possible to download 1.77.0 and 1.77.1? Those are my missing updates before the latest.

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