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A failure to temporarily disable the prefab HotSpot.

edited May 2023 in Technical Q&A

The situation is as follows... an object ''A'' from PreFab is randomly called into the scene through the ''OnStart'' custscene.

The objects' hotspot is clickable, when I click on another object ''B'' that is also randomly called, the actionList will be triggered that will temporarily deactivate the HotSpot of Object ''A'', the problem is that an error occurs that the HotSpot of object ''A'' does not work anymore. I have already reviewed this entire object, the HotSpot is unchanged, even deleting the component ''HotsPot, Box collider and RigidBoddy and adding it again does not work. Only by creating a new PreFab object is the problem resolved.

I also revised the action list, first deactivated hotSpot and after a while I set the action to activate.


  • I'm using Object without a child, because I've already tried to use an object with a hotSpot in the PreFab child and the action doesn't accept the Prefab HotSpot.

    If the object is in the scene area it works without problem.

  • When referencing an object not in the scene, AC will rely on Constant ID values to re-link them at runtime.

    Make sure that the Constant ID component on your prefab has Retain in prefab? checked, and that the Action that references it matches its listed Constant ID value.

    If unsure, share screenshots of the ActionList and the Hotspot's Inspector, and I'll take a look.

  • I discovered the problem, I had put a time of 30 seconds in the ''actionlist'' to temporarily disable the hotspot and then re-enable it and I kept testing it straight through the action list and there was no time to enable it so I turned off the test. As a result, the hotspot was disabled, so the solution I found was in the 'on start' cutscene, put the hotspot enable for each object there.

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