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Inventory-pan trigger area.

I've set up my inventory bar at the top of the screen, where it pans down when mousing over. The pan down seems to be triggered by the size of the box that contains the background texture. Is it possible to reduce the trigger area in size, as I'd like the inventory to only pan down when I'm mousing at the very top of the screen?


  • You should be able to achieve this with a second, invisible, Menu that is used to detect the mouse being over the very top.

    First, check Start game locked off? in your Inventory menu's properties panel. When a Menu is locked, it won't be turned even if its "Appear type" condition is met.

    Next, create a new Menu with no background texture or elements, but stretch/position it so that it covers the very top. Set its Appear type to Mouse Over, and then assign an ActionList in its ActionList when turn on property.

    In that list, use a Menu: Change state Action to unlock your Inventory menu. Since the mouse is now also within the bounday of your Inventory menu, it should then turn on as well.

    Finally, assign an ActionList in your Inventory menu's ActionList when turn off property, that uses another Menu: Change state Action - only this time to lock the Inventory menu.

  • It worked like a charm, except now the inventory only animates its pan animation when it opens, and instantly dissappear upon closing. I guess this is because the actionlist locking the inventory menu kicks in as soon as the mouseover exits the trigger area, and this happens before the inventory gets to do it pan close animation? Do you see any way to fix that?

  • Nevermind, I added a 0.2 Engine Wait before the actionlist kicks in, just enough time for the inventory to animate closing. Thanks Chris! :)

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