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control ac menu by joystick and mouse at the same time

Hi chris,

I am using AC menu for a demo.
It seems that AC menu can be controlled by joystick or mouse, but not at the same time.
So, I made an option to let player choose the input mode (mouse/joystick) by their own.
To shift control, using actionlist to turn on/off the direct-nav menu.

All works fine, but I would like to know is it possible to control AC menu by joystick or mouse at the same time?
Thanks a lot.


  • Is this for an AC menu, or one that uses Unity UI?

    With Unity UI, the default behaviour is actually to allow for direct-control and mouse-control, but AC limits this to just one at a time via its own Event System.

    If you create a new EventSystem, make is a prefab, and assign it at the top of the Menu Manager, however, then AC will rely on this instead and not use its own behaviour.

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