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Camera size follows player position

I have a corridor in my (2D) game that the player walks away from the camera, I want the camera to zoom in as he walks away (and zoom out as he walks towards, is there a way to get the camera to change size as he moves up and down the sorting map? I have set up a couple of triggers that change to a different zoomed in camera as he enters the trigger, and another to set it back when he enters that one, it's ok, but not exactly what I wanted, a one to one live change would be better if that's possible?


  • This is for a "GameCamera2D" camera type?

    Try this script (ScaleCameraWithTargetY.cs) attached to the camera, and fill in its Inspector:

    using UnityEngine;
    using AC;
    public class ScaleCameraWithTargetY : MonoBehaviour
        public float targetMinY, targetMaxY;
        public float minOrthographicSize, maxOrthographicSize;
        public GameCamera2D camera;
        private void Update ()
            float targetY = camera.Target.position.y;
            float yLerp = (targetY - targetMinY) / (targetMaxY - targetMinY);
            float orthographicSize = Mathf.Lerp (minOrthographicSize, maxOrthographicSize, yLerp);
            camera.Camera.orthographicSize = orthographicSize;
  • Thanks so much Chris, but it's saying to fix compiler errors when I try to add it to the camera :/ and the console error says this: Assets\Rose Cottage\Scripts\ScaleCameraWithTargetY.cs(13,26): error CS1061: 'GameCamera2D' does not contain a definition for 'Target' and no accessible extension method 'Target' accepting a first argument of type 'GameCamera2D' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    I don't know what any of that means :dizzy:

  • oh and this too: Assets\Rose Cottage\Scripts\ScaleCameraWithTargetY.cs(16,10): error CS1061: 'GameCamera2D' does not contain a definition for 'Camera' and no accessible extension method 'Camera' accepting a first argument of type 'GameCamera2D' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

  • What's your AC version? The script should compile with the latest release.

  • Ah I am not up to date with AC, I will try that thank you Chris

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