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Significant slow down in the ActionList editor window

Mac OSX 10.14.6 (Mojave)
Unity 2021.3.1f1
Adventure Creator 1.76.0

The ActionList editor hangs every few seconds (spinning wheel), even when the graph has only a few nodes. Even the slightest change through the editor takes forever. Same problem regardless of whether the editor is docked or run in separate window. However, created nodes can be edited without hiccups in the game object inspector window.
I replicated the problem even when creating a clean Unity project containing only the AC package, and trying to edit the actions in the demo2D scene. Can post the profiler window, but not sure what variables I should highlight.


  • Welcome to the community, @nixc9.

    Apologies for the trouble - there certainly shouldn't be noticable slowdown when only a few Actions are involved. Is this while the game is running, or still in Edit mode?

    Shots of the Profile window with "Profile Editor" enabled would help if you can share. Select the spikes as they appear, and then try to view the Hierachy tab (inside the Profiler), expanding the foldouts to see what the cause is.

    If unsure, screenshot everything and I'll sift through. It's too early to tell, but your Unity and OS versions may be a factor as well. Are you getting such behaviour in older Unity versions, e.g. 2019.4?

  • Hi thanks for the quick reply.

    The problem appears to be in edit mode, the demos and my tests seem to run fine (though I never tried to edit an action list whilst the game is running).
    Also, I bought AC only a few days ago, so haven't tried on previous Unity versions yet (btw, great work congrats)

    I rebooted the machine, and for a while the problem seemed to have disappeared. However, the intermittent slowdowns came back after a few minutes. I tried to take a snapshot from the profiler, selecting one of the peaks corresponding to the slowdown. I hope it helps, but pls let me know if you need a different image taken.

    Here's a flickr link to the profiler snapshot (I cannot access imgur from the UK):


  • Thanks for the details. Once things start slowing down, does closing and re-opening the ActionList Editor window help?

    Again, I don't want to speak too soon, but it may be a Unity/platform issue. Taken from sereschkin's post on this page:

    In my case I just switched to opengl, restarted IDE, switched back to Metal and restarted IDE again and now everything is so fast. Used Unity for months and never knew that this Editor can actually run fast.

    If you follow these steps, does the issue remain?

  • I switched to OpenGL and restarted the IDE: problem disappeared. Tried to go back to Metal, problem returned. No idea why, but I guess I'll stick to OpenGL.

    Unless the problem comes back in a few days, this was likely a Unity/platform issue. Thanks for helping even though this was not an AC problem!

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