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Scene Switch Trigger doesn't actually switch

Hey, y'all.

I'm super new to developing so apologies if I say something that I should know.

My AC scene switch trigger doesn't seem to be working as it should. I've got my character with a collider and rigid body and tagged as a player.

When I move my player into the trigger, The UI elements kinda fade for a fraction of a second, but nothing else happens.

Has anyone else experienced this before?


  • Welcome to the community, @LadyDana.

    The default InGame menu (the "Menu" button in the lower left corner) is set to appear "during gameplay" - so if it's fading out for a second, it sounds like your Trigger is being run briefly. The issue might be with the Action(s) inside it, rather than the Trigger not firing.

    Can you share images of the Trigger's ActionList? Images can be hosted on e.g., with links posted here.

    Also, does the Console report anything at the time this occurs?

  • Here's the inspector for the trigger.

    No Console report happens regarding the trigger.

  • Looks OK - have you added a scene with filename "hallway" to Unity's Build Settings?

    If so, temporarily (i.e. don't save the scene) replace the Action with an "Engine: End game" Action so that the game should exit Play Mode when the Trigger fires. Does that cause it to do so? That'll help narrow down the cause being either to do with the collision settings, or the Actions inside it.

  • "Engine: End game" works! That's good.

    Yes, I have a hallway scene that has been converted into an AC scene, but it's just sitting in my "Scenes" folder. Is there a secret menu I'm supposed to also have it listed in?

  • Yes - you'll need to add your scenes to Unity's Build Settings before you can switch to them at runtime. You can access this menu from "File -> Build Settings" in the top toolbar.

    Unity's official docs on this can be found here:

  • Ahhhh, being a complete novice to Unity strikes again. Thanks for the answer even though it wasn't directly related to your addon. Everything is working fine now. I appreciate you taking the time to help with basic mistakes!

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