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Disable option feature in dialogue option

Hi Chris,

I see AC can enable or disable specific dialogue option through toggle option by actionList.
However, if set an option disabled and it is hidden, so player can't exactly know what option is disabled.
Is it possible to only change the text color to like gray color in the "disabled" option instead of just make the option hidden and the player can still read the gray text in that dialogue option?
Thanks a lot.


  • An option must be enabled for it to appear in a DialogList menu element, so you won't be able to disable it using that way.

    If your Menu relies on Unity UI, however, you could use scripting to manually disable a given option's associated Button's "Interactable" property. This will both prevent it from being clickable, and also possible to grey-out automatically given the Transition settings in the Button's Inspector.

    This'll benefit from a new method inside the Conversation script, that lets you get the "visibility index" of a given dialogue option, that can be used to work out which element slot to affect, given an option ID. I can look into adding this as part of the v1.75.1 update.

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