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Animation sprite size is bigger when it's a right animation.


When the animation is right (CharWalk_R, CharRun_R...) the animation sprite is bigger (and lower in position) than the left one (CharWalk_L, CharRun_L...). I tried some stuff:

  • The sprites are fine and all frames are the same size. Also redid the animations from sprites and nothing got fixed.
  • Tried to do only left animations and use the "Frame flipping" option "From left to right" but it keeps happening (also tried "Right to left" although it makes no sense and it didnt fix it obviously...)
  • Redid the nav mesh several times and checked with Gizmos (seems the route is fine...)
  • Every frame is "bottom" at the pivot dragable option.

Don't know what to do.


  • What are your AC and Unity versions, and are the "Pixels Per Unit" setting consistent for left and right-facing sprites?

    If so, keep the sprite child selected in the Hierarchy at runtime so that you can view its Inspector. Is its position/scale changing as the character changes direction? The sprite child should typically have a unit scale and zero local position under normal gameplay.

    If you have one assigned in the Scene Manager, temporarily unassign your scene's Default Sorting Map, as this can also affect your character's scale.

  • Unity 2019.4.18f1. I dont know where to check AC one but imported it yesterday so I guess it's the last one.

    When I do what you said, scale and position doesn't change, only rotation (since I'm flipping the sprite by changing the direction it faces, so it's right). It shows:

    Position: X (1,5) - Y (-1,79) Z (0)
    Scale: X (2,8) - Y (2,4) - Z (1)
    Rotation: X (0) - Y (This changes everytime the sprite moves) - X (1)

    The default sorting map was in the scene. Turned it off but the same happens with the sprite...

  • edited January 2022

    The position is non-zero, which means it'll move away from their root as they turn. If your camera uses Perspective projection, this would also cause the character to appear larger as the sprite nears the camera.

    You need to make sure that their Position values remain at (0, 0, 0) - you should be getting a warning in the Console when this is not the case.

  • Fixed :) Thanks, Chris!!

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