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Modyfiyng basicCamera focal distance (target)

What I would need is like what GameCamera has - but for basicCamera. Setting up focal distance as target object, and kind of have no idea how to aproach this?

Thanks for any tips


  • It can be done with a separate script, attached to the same object.

    Paste this into a script named SetFocalDistance.cs, attach to the Basic Camera, and fill in its Inspector:

    using UnityEngine;
    using AC;
    public class SetFocalDistance : MonoBehaviour
        public _Camera acCamera;
        public Transform target;
        protected void Update ()
            if (target)
                float focalDistance = Vector3.Dot (Transform.forward, target.position - Transform.position);
                if (focalDistance < 0f)
                    focalDistance = 0f;
                acCamera.focalDistance = focalDistance;
  • Thanks Chris,
    getting some errors on the script ( An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property)

    will try to look into it afternoon

  • changed Transform.forward/Transform.position to acCamera.transform.forward/acCamera.transform.position and it seems to work as intended,

    Thanks again Chris!

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