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multiple questions regarding the direct input system

I have been trying to set up a project using the direct keyboard and controller setup, but I ran into multiple problems I need help with.

How do I set up Hotspot interaction for the controller without having to use the cursor? I set up the player vicinity option but the interacting options won't show up.

Also, I am having problems with the Input Manager because I do not know what actions I have to assign to use the dpad for conversations, and menus. The Available Input list does not contain these inputs.

And another question would be: Do I have to set up 2D-NavMeshes with colliders around the scene to make my character not escape the level boundaries? It would be nice to use the 2D-NavMesh similarly to the Point and click method, so I only have to cover the walkable ground.


  • Welcome to the community, @Keaton.

    How do I set up Hotspot interaction for the controller without having to use the cursor? I set up the player vicinity option but the interacting options won't show up.

    You must define a "Hotspot detector" on your Player, which marks out an area surrounding the Player for which Hotspots are interactive.

    See the Manual's "Player-vicinity detection" chapter for details, and a tutorial can be found here. Though the tutorial is for a 3D Player, the same principles apply for 2D Players - just use 2D colliders / rigidbodies instead.

    I am having problems with the Input Manager because I do not know what actions I have to assign to use the dpad for conversations, and menus.

    If a menu is configured to rely on direct navigation the Horizontal and Vertical inputs are used to switch the selected element / slot.

    The main options to allow for the direct navigation of menus are at the top of the Menu Manager. To allow for this while a Conversation is active, for example, check Directly-navigate Menus during Conversations?.

    There are some additional options to be aware of if your menus rely on Unity UI within the properties of the menus themselves. For details, see the Manual's "Navigating menus directly" chapter.

    Do I have to set up 2D-NavMeshes with colliders around the scene to make my character not escape the level boundaries?

    That's correct. I appreciate that syncing with a NavMesh would be a handy feature, but relying on separate colliders is the "Unity best practice" approach, and allows for additional options such as assigning a Physic Material to the walls and enabling the "slow movement when facing walls" option.

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