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UI Menu Orientation

Hey there :)
I'm using unity ui as the source of an ac menu and I wondered if it would be possible for menus to correctly align when you go from landscape to portrait. I tried using an object animate actionlist to animate a menu to a different position on rotation but im not getting much luck

Thank you :)


  • The "Object: Animate" Action only applies to objects that exist in the Hierarchy - it can't affect AC Menus, which are rendered using OnGUI.

    To be able to dynamically control the position of a Menu, use Unity UI. As it offers much more in the way of flexibility and styling options, I recommend this in general once AC menus have been used for prototyping.

  • Hi Chris, I am using Unity UI as the source with AC, not AC's built in menu stuff. Is that what you meant or do you mean entirely separate from AC?

  • Yes, I meant AC menus that use Unity UI. Sorry - I misread you.

    Can you share screenshots to show what you mean by correctly aligning? AC won't control the positioning of elements with a Unity UI menu - that'll be down to the components.

    However, AC's Auto Correct UI Dimensions component - which gets attached to a Canvas root - can be used to alter the position / size of the menu itself based on the current aspect ratio. See the Manual's "Auto Correct UI Dimensions" chapter for details.

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