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Changing inventory item label

Is there a way to change the label of an inventory item during gameplay? I am looking for a similar action like Rename Hotspot, but I could not find anything for the inventory.


  • Not without scripting - unlike Hotspots, inventory data is stored in asset files.

    The easiest way around this is to create a second instance of the item - i.e. same graphic - but with a different label. You can then swap one for the other using the Inventory: Add or remove Action's "Replace" option, giving the effect of its name being changed.

  • Thanks! I was thinking about the same solution you mentioned, but I was curious if there is another way.

  • I just wanted to check if having multiple items is still the preferred way to do this?

    It would be nice with something similar to hotspot.SetName("new label", lineId) if possible. But I guess the way they are stored might make this difficult.


  • Changing the name directly would involve updating the raw asset data, which I don't recommend.

    Technically, it is possible - right-click the item's Label (if not name) field label to get an API reference to it that can be set at runtime. Such a change will persist upon exiting Play Mode, however.

    Swapping the item out for another is the safer approach.

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