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Subtitle menu: set spacing between title and background

Hi everyone,
I'm having issues with menu for dialogues. I would like to set some spacing around the text but I cannot find the option in the subtitle element of the menu. I know this could be possible by adding background to the menu and leave the text without background, but with auto-adjust height on, I only have background in the first line.
Anyone having an idea on how to add spacing in the subsLine element?
Adding some images below:

Sometimes part of the text goes out the dialogue box

Menu Set-up:

AC v. 1.72.0 - Unity 2020.1.7f


  • Switch your Menu's Source to Unity UI, and rely on Unity UI components to render your menu. Unity's Content Size Fitter / Layout Group components give you much finer control over padding, and would be the appropriate choice for a menu of this style.

    This tutorial covers the process of switching a Menu to use Unity UI.

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