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TextMeshPro integration: missing TMP_InputField?

[Unity 2019.4.0.f1 - AC 1.71.5]


After successfully enabling the TextMeshPro integration by updating the Script Define Symbols, I noticed that, when trying to create an UI, there's no chance to use a TMP_InputField in the Linked InputField field. Am I correct?

This does not seem to be the case for other UI elements (e.g. TextMeshProUGUIs for Labels are there, Buttons only have a child TextMeshProUGUI component so there's no need for it, etc.).

The Manual does not seem mention this and I haven't really found any further discussion about it in the forums, so I hope I'm not pointing out something trivial or that has been already discussed. If so, apologies!

Thanks in advance,


  • there's no chance to use a TMP_InputField in the Linked InputField field. Am I correct?

    For the moment. Looks like an oversight on my part - I shall look into it, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  • No problem!

    Thanks for the super quick answer!

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