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Nine verbs template: how to give an object from the inventory to NPC

edited April 2020 in Technical Q&A

Hi, I'm continuing studying AC using the 9 verbs template, but I have an issue. I cannot achieve an easy task: giving an object from the inventory to my NPC. I add one inventory interaction to the NPC, set the object and the label "give", but the system continues ignoring it as the give script (that I assume is under this setting) doesn't work or exits.Anyone could help me? I was wondering if I have to create a standard interaction in the inventory manager for this object, but I'm absolutely new and I imagine that there could be an easier answer. Thanks a lot


  • Indeed - this should be simple, though it's possible a bug exists with the template. I'll be including an update to it as part of the next AC release.

    Allowing an item to be selected in "give" mode should be a case of going to the Settings Manager, and setting the following under "Inventory settings":

    • Give item if Interaction is unhandled? - checked
    • Give with unhandled - set to the "Give" cursor

    It should then just be a case of clicking "Give", the item, and then the Hotspot. At what point is there an issue in this sequence?

  • Thanks a lot. I had already seen that with this config it worked. The problem is that there is an ugly effect in the text line: I click on the "give" button and on the object and after on the NPC (in the inventory cursor I've checked "only show label when over hot spots and inventory), AC executes the action but in the text line AC writes "walk to NPC" without waiting that the action of giving has completed... how could I fix it?
    Generally speaking what I'd like to understand (I'm studying your incredible tool and I'm more than happy to have it!!!) is where are the give/use interaction scripts, the one that controls the text line on black bar and what are the "standard" interactions that are in the inventory item setting. Thanks again for support!!!

  • You're referring to the classic "SCUMM" behaviour of showing the pending interaction before an interaction is run?

    This is among the improvements I'm looking to make in the update I mentioned above - where it's a lot closer to the classic SCUMM interface.

  • edited May 2020

    Found the solution thanks for your help! In the action script I had added the command "move to point" because I wanted to stop walking the NPC before giving him the object, but without "wait until finish" checked. So correctly AC didn't wait!!! Thanks a lot again. I will continue study... last question : could you kindly explain what are the standard" interactions that are in the inventory item setting?

  • what are the standard" interactions that are in the inventory item setting?

    This is where you define what kind of interactions an Inventory item can have - similar to a Hotspot. For example, you can create a "Look at" interaction that is triggered when the Player chooses "Look at" from the verbs menu, and then clicks the item.

    See the Manual's "Inventory interactions" chapter for more details.

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