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AC 1.63.1 with Unity 2019.2.17f1

Hello, I have a quick question.
We're using AC 1.63.1 in our game and have recently updated our Unity to 2019.2.17f1
Are there known issues with using this older version of AC with this newer version of Unity? Specifically with builds rather than in the unity editor.
I ask as some ActionList are behaving strangely in builds, that is until we "touch" any of our ActionLists then a new build works (the change can be just moving a node or changing a comment).
P.S. We'd rather not update AC as we've modified it a fair bit.


  • Actually I think I've found the reason for this.. the "bug" was due to timing differences between in editor and in a build.
    I don't know why "touching" an ActionList altered timing slightly but I have a solution now :)

  • I'm not too clear on the actual issue. In what way are ActionLists behaving "strangely", and what version of Unity were you previously using?

  • Previous we were using Unity 2017.4.3f1
    The issue (I believe) is related to timing, specifically checking if the game is in a cutscene when our pause menu opens.
    With no cutscene running the game goes from normal to cutscene (for1 frame) to pause. If the check for cutscene happens to hit that 1 frame of cutscene the menu mistakenly thinks a cutscene was running.
    The weird thing is the timings seem to change just by "touching" an action list.
    I don't actually think this is a problem with AC,
    I think I need to change the way I'm checking for cutscenes.

  • F.Y.I. I've fixed this issue.
    I had 2 bit of code that set and checked AC. game state.
    Their execution order was undefined, so sometimes the check would happen before the set.
    Setting their execution order solves the problem.
    I'm guessing perhaps "touching" the Actionlists changed the execution order?
    Anyway thanks for your help and if you think this thread is not helpful feel free to delete it.

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