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  • Thanks for your help.I am doing it in small steps, went back to trying to get the outside start level working before I work on scene changes now.I now have it where the head movement is accurate and correct, controllers are tracked, I can use either…
  • Question..Do we need the main camera provided or can we just use the steamVR camera rig name it maincamera, attach to the player and just use that?
  • Not sure I did it correctly but it is better, just have to work on getting it to NOT clip through the walls and ceiling of the entrance tunnel. (doesn't clip in normal play, I am sure there are contraints I can use for the VRrig, just have to look t…
  • Not all of us know code..where do we put it?That's a fairly large script to just make a guess.....
  • NOTE:Be sure to scroll down, I noticed a lot of traffic from this site to gamejolt but no downloads and saw that it says BUY GAME at the top the page when it opens up.Scroll down to see the DEMO link, it is free!
  • Thanks, that script was written by Alverik. He is on this forum somewhere, you can ask him, he might send it to you.
  • Tried that but the menu was able to be seen but not interacted with. and the cursor would not change from the arrow to the ingame ones.
  • Answer to my own problem..Create a new scene titlescene like the docs say.Create A UI rawimageOn Canvas select dropdown Render Mode Screen Space-CameraDrag/drop your main camera into the camera boxOn the rawimage child on anchor click that while hol…
  • Mr IceBox!Ok, I tried to duplicate your 2 actiontriggers.I now have 1 local variable CROUCH=FALSE (as default) 1 trigger:on enter Variable:check...if crouch=false continue Player:switch new player=crouch player after running=Continue 2nd:on exitVari…
  • 5.4.0f3 64bit Now having actionlist issues.can't find how to make one that will work on enter and exit. I can only figure out the actiontrigger when attached.Guess I should just check the demo scene and use his way instead. I am sure your way is eas…
  • Alverik...I had to do both, USE AC; and add AC. to the lines, now it shows the boxes with no errors.Now to figure out actionlists!
  • I went to try again now it won't let me assign the script, says I need to fix compile errors.ActionListAsset is the issue. I have tried everything I could think of.
  • There are no 2 slots unless I did something wrong.
  • That's what I'm saying, I dropped it onto the TRIGGER object in the scene and I didn't get the boxes to enter the actionlists into.I also dropped it onto just a game object as well and still no boxes to enter my actions into.Below is a video showing…
  • @AlverikI tried your script but it didn't give me to property boxes to to put my action lists in, all it said was script name.I have no idea how to code so didn't know how to add an actionlist to the code.Your description made it sound like it would…
  • Will do, I can't use a cutscene (I don't think) I need the player to have control since there is an object in this crawl space they will need to pickup.I will have to load up that scene in another project. (Which demo scene? The 3D one or the one wi…
  • So I went with 2 triggers on each side.Made them narrow and reduced my player collider  so as not to cross both at the same time. 1 switches to the crouchplayer and the other switches me back to standing. I set both with a check first though. Not id…
  • Yes, only at that point, but they need to go back through as well, both directions. So would I do a trigger point and then Player:Switch just before they enter the crawl space then a trigger on other side with Player:Switch to go back to normal?If t…
  • (Sorry if I am not clear, or if you are very clear and I'm not understanding it...)I followed step by step, the only thing I am lost on your tutorial is the last step above.You have call it from a cutscene but you never say where to put this cutscen…
  • I was following the directions that say "When we wish to turn on the Menu, we can use another Menu: Change state Action in a Cutscene:" but you don't say where to put this or how to call it.When new game is pressed, this enter name variabl…
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