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VR Head Turn


Is there a way to implement the VR Head turn mechanic? Basically when you turn your head you move in that direction. I currently have a bit of script put together to pull it off. It works ok but if you move in a certain direction using the VR cameras view angle the camera becomes very shaky. Not sure if there is a work around this yet?


  • So turned out to be a dodgy prefab :/ recreated a new one and my script works fine. In case anyone else wants to see the code, just put inside the PlayerMovement.cs script:

                                moveDirectionInput = (moveKeys.y * KickStarter.mainCamera.ForwardVector ()) + (moveKeys.x * KickStarter.mainCamera.RightVector ());
    #elif UNITY_PS4
                                Quaternion headRotation = InputTracking.GetLocalRotation( VRNode.Head );
                                Vector3 lookForward = headRotation * KickStarter.mainCamera.ForwardVector( );
                                Vector3 lookRight = headRotation * KickStarter.mainCamera.RightVector( );
                                moveDirectionInput = (moveKeys.y * lookForward) + (moveKeys.x * lookRight);
  • Not all of us know code..where do we put it?
    That's a fairly large script to just make a guess.....
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